Ok. So i really am Curious About these squirting orgasms an i would love to have one, if they r all there cracked up to be. But here is the thing, how can i introduce this to my husband without hurting his feelings? We have been together for two years an the sex is amazing but i would love to try this. How do i ask him while maintaining his confidence? The last thing on earth that i would want to do is hurt his feelings. Help!!
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Thank god, PLM came along and I watched an introduction to squirting by Tallulah and got wise. Go slowly, warm her up as long as it takes. Marcus kissed his girls for a moment or two. Now after this review I know the best way to begin. My woman wants to squirt when I told her about it. She will love it. And so will I relish her squirting several times each day.Thanks so much.Matt Donnelly
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There are several reasons. She might not be comfortable enough with you or with the surroundings. She's shy or she's never actually experienced a squirting orgasm before, so is unsure of what to expect. Take your time and reassure her.
Squirting is a sure sign that your lover is fully aroused. This means that intercourse after squirting can be the perfect time to bring your partner to vaginal orgasm, and it may also help her to squirt during intercourse as opposed to just squirting from g-spot stimulation.
Of course, there is nothing unnatural or wrong about female ejaculation and squirting orgasms can and should be used to build a solid loving relationship. It also helps the man tune into the subtle variations of the feminine energy which can help grow the relationship. 2ff7e9595c